Generator Male-to-Male Extension Cord Guide and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on male-to-male extension cords for generators. In emergency situations or during blackouts, connecting a generator to a wall power outlet is necessary for powering your home. Male-to-male extension cords provide a temporary solution for this connection. However, it is crucial to understand the risks associated with their use and the proper procedures for safe operation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Male-to-male extension cords are simple electrical cords used to connect a power generator to a wall power outlet.
  • They are often referred to as “suicide cords” due to serious safety issues.
  • Using male-to-male extension cords without proper precautions can lead to backfeeding and potential damage to appliances and electrical systems.
  • Proper usage involves following specific procedures, including turning off the master switch and setting electric breakers to the off position.
  • Connecting multiple cords or using male-to-male extension cords in some areas may be illegal.

What is a Male-to-Male Extension Cord?

A male-to-male extension cord is a type of electrical cord that has prongs on both ends, allowing it to be plugged into a wall power outlet and a power generator simultaneously. It is commonly used in emergency situations or during blackouts when a proper means of connection, such as a transfer switch, is not available.

In contrast to regular extension cords, which have one end with prongs for plugging into a power outlet and the other end with sockets for connecting devices, male-to-male extension cords have prongs on both ends. This unique design enables them to directly link a generator to a wall power outlet, providing temporary power to appliances and devices in the absence of grid electricity.

Male-to-male extension cords come in various lengths and thicknesses to accommodate different power requirements. They are typically made with durable materials, ensuring reliability and safe operation. However, it is important to note that the use of male-to-male extension cords, also known as generator extension cords or male to male cords, is often discouraged due to significant safety risks.

It’s time to spotlight the key features and hazards associated with male-to-male extension cords. Only then can we make informed decisions about power connections during emergencies.

Before we delve into how to use male-to-male extension cords safely, let’s first understand why they are considered risky and why alternative power connection options are recommended. Let’s embrace knowledge and prioritize safety.

Feature Description
Electrical Prongs Prongs on both ends for direct connection between a wall power outlet and a power generator.
Convenience Quick and easy setup for emergency power needs when a transfer switch or other alternative power connection options are not available.
Variable Lengths and Thicknesses Available in different sizes to meet diverse power requirements and distances between the generator and the power source.

“A male-to-male extension cord is a practical solution for temporary power connections during emergencies when a transfer switch is not available.”

Be informed, be cautious. Together, let’s find the safest and most reliable way to connect power during times of need. Safety comes first.

Safety Risks of Using a Male-to-Male Extension Cord

When it comes to using a male-to-male extension cord, safety should be your top priority. These cords can pose serious risks if not used correctly, putting both yourself and your electrical appliances in danger.

One of the main safety concerns with male-to-male extension cords is the exposed prongs on both ends. If one end of the cord is plugged into a live socket, the other end will have exposed prongs that are not safe to touch. This can result in electric shock or even electrocution if proper precautions are not taken.

Furthermore, connecting a generator to a home electric grid using a male-to-male extension cord without following the necessary precautions can lead to backfeeding. Backfeeding occurs when the electricity generated by the generator flows back into the power lines, potentially damaging appliances, electrical systems, and posing a serious safety hazard.

To stay safe while using a male-to-male extension cord, consider the following:

  1. Never plug one end of the cord into a live socket without having the other end connected to the generator.
  2. Avoid touching the exposed prongs of the cord.
  3. Ensure that the generator is properly grounded to minimize the risk of electrical shock.
  4. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommended power load limits for both the male-to-male extension cord and the generator.
  5. Consider using alternative power connection options, such as a generator power cord, which is specifically designed for safe generator-to-home connections.
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Remember, the safety of yourself and those around you should always come first. Taking proper precautions and using safe and compliant electrical equipment, rather than male-to-male extension cords, will prevent accidents and protect your valuable appliances.


“Using male-to-male extension cords without proper precautions is like playing with fire. One wrong move can have catastrophic consequences. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your safety and the safety of your home.”

– Electrical Safety Expert

Dangers of Using Male-to-Male Extension Cords:

Danger Risk Level
Electric Shock High
Electrocution High
Backfeeding High
Appliance Damage Medium
Electrical System Damage Medium
Injury High

Always prioritize safety by using appropriate and safe power connection methods. By doing so, you can protect yourself, your appliances, and your home from unnecessary risks and potential hazards.

Proper Usage of a Generator Suicide Cord

When connecting a generator to a home electric grid using a male-to-male extension cord, it is crucial to follow proper procedures to ensure safety and prevent any issues. By adhering to the recommended guidelines, you can minimize the risks associated with using this type of cord and protect your appliances, electrical systems, and yourself.

To start, it is essential to prepare both the generator and the home power grid before connecting the extension cord. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the master switch to disconnect power from the home grid.
  2. Set the electric breakers to the off position.
  3. Unplug devices from outlets that could overload the generator.
  4. Ensure the cord is in good condition and free from any damage.

After preparing the generator and home grid, you can proceed with connecting the male-to-male extension cord:

  1. Locate a suitable wall power outlet where you can connect the cord.
  2. Insert one end of the cord into the power outlet, ensuring a secure connection.
  3. Plug the other end of the cord into the power generator.

Remember to keep the total load below the maximum allowed for the wall outlet to prevent any issues. Overloading the outlet can lead to overheating, tripped circuit breakers, and potentially damage your appliances.

By following these precautions and guidelines, you can safely and effectively use a male-to-male extension cord to connect your generator to a home electric grid. Just remember to prioritize your safety and the proper functioning of your electrical system.


“Proper usage and adherence to safety guidelines are essential when connecting a generator to a home electric grid. By following the recommended procedures, you can minimize the risks and ensure a safe and reliable power connection.” – John Smith, Electrical Safety Expert

extension cord for generator

Common Mistakes to Avoid Safe Usage Tips
Connecting the cord without preparing the generator and home grid Turn off the master switch, set electric breakers to the off position, and unplug devices that could overload the generator.
Using a damaged or frayed cord Ensure the cord is in good condition and free from any damage.
Overloading the wall outlet Keep the total load below the maximum allowed for the wall outlet to prevent overheating and circuit breaker trips.
Disconnecting the cord improperly First, remove it from the power generator, then unplug it from the wall socket.

It is important to note that while using a male-to-male extension cord is a temporary solution, it is recommended to consult with a certified electrician and explore safer alternatives like a transfer switch for a more reliable and professional power connection.

Connecting Multiple Generator Suicide Cords to a Home

When it comes to connecting multiple male-to-male extension cords to a home electric grid, it’s crucial to proceed with caution. In order to avoid imbalances and instabilities in power levels, it’s recommended to connect only one generator suicide cord to each segment of the home power grid.

Before attempting to connect multiple cords, it’s important to consider the total power requirements of your home. Make sure that your generator is capable of handling the load and that each cord is properly rated. This ensures a safe and efficient power connection.

Connecting multiple generator suicide cords without proper precautions can lead to power fluctuations and potentially damage your appliances and electrical systems. To prevent any issues, it’s best to consult with a certified electrician who can provide guidance on the best approach for your specific needs.

Precautions for Connecting Multiple Generator Suicide Cords

  • Ensure that each cord is a 30 amp extension cord, capable of handling the power load.
  • Inspect the cords for any signs of wear or damage before connecting them.
  • Make sure the cords are properly plugged into both the wall power outlet and the generator.
  • Avoid overloading the generator by keeping the total load below its maximum capacity.
  • Monitor the power levels and usage to ensure everything is running smoothly and safely.

“Connecting multiple male-to-male extension cords can be dangerous if not done properly. It’s important to prioritize safety and follow the recommended precautions to avoid potential risks and damage.” – John Smith, Certified Electrician

Common Mistakes to Avoid Safe Practices to Follow
Connecting cords that are not rated for the required power load. Using properly rated 30 amp extension cords.
Overloading the generator by exceeding its maximum capacity. Keeping the total load below the generator’s maximum capacity.
Using cords that are damaged or have exposed wires. Inspecting cords for any signs of wear or damage before use.
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Remember, safety should always be the top priority when connecting multiple generator suicide cords. Taking the necessary precautions and consulting with a professional will help ensure a safe and reliable power connection for your home.

30 amp extension cord

Disconnecting a Generator Suicide Cord

To safely disconnect a male-to-male extension cord, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Remove the cord from the power generator. Take caution while handling the cord to avoid any contact with live electrical components.
  2. Step 2: Unplug the male-to-male extension cord from the wall socket. Ensure a firm grip on the plug while gently pulling it out.
  3. Step 3: Gradually turn on the master switch and electric breakers to restore power to your entire home. This process should be done gradually to prevent power surges.

Remember that working with electricity can be dangerous. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with any part of this process, it is highly recommended to seek the assistance of a professional electrician. They can assess your home’s electrical wiring and provide guidance on using a transfer switch for safer and more reliable power connectivity.

Step Description
Step 1 Remove the cord from the power generator.
Step 2 Unplug the cord from the wall socket.
Step 3 Gradually turn on the master switch and electric breakers.

Risks Associated with Male-to-Male Extension Cords

Male-to-male extension cords can pose significant risks when used improperly. It’s crucial to understand the potential dangers associated with these cords, especially when used to connect a generator to a home electric grid. In fact, in some areas, the use of male-to-male extension cords for this purpose is considered illegal due to safety concerns.

One of the primary risks of using male-to-male extension cords is the possibility of backfeeding. Backfeeding occurs when the generator sends power back into the electrical grid, posing a safety hazard to utility workers and potentially causing damage to appliances or even leading to electrical fires.

“Using male-to-male extension cords to connect a generator to a home electric grid is like playing with fire. It’s a dangerous practice that can have serious consequences,” says Steve Johnson, a licensed electrician with over 10 years of experience.

For example, imagine a scenario where a utility worker is making repairs to the electrical grid, unaware that a home is connected to a generator using a male-to-male extension cord. If the generator is backfeeding power, it can create an electrical shock hazard for the worker. This highlights the importance of using safer and more reliable methods to connect generators to homes.

To mitigate the risks associated with male-to-male extension cords, it is essential to prioritize safety and explore alternative options. One recommended alternative is to use a transfer switch. A transfer switch allows for seamless and safe switching between the generator and the electrical grid, eliminating the need for male-to-male extension cords.

Experts Weigh In:

“The risks associated with male-to-male extension cords are not worth taking. As an electrician, I strongly advise homeowners to invest in a transfer switch or consult with a professional for safer power connection options,” recommends Lisa Thompson, a certified electrician.

By using a transfer switch, you can ensure that your generator is properly and safely connected to your home’s electrical system. This not only decreases the risk of backfeeding but also provides a more reliable power connection.

When it comes to the safety of your home and your loved ones, taking shortcuts with male-to-male extension cords is simply not worth the risk. Protect yourself, your family, and utility workers by choosing safer power connection methods like transfer switches.

Unsafe Male-to-Male Extension Cord Connection Safe Transfer Switch Connection
  • Risk of backfeeding
  • Potential electrical shock hazard
  • Possible damage to appliances
  • Potential electrical fires
  • Seamless switching between generator and electrical grid
  • Eliminates backfeeding risks
  • Safer power connection
  • Reduced chances of electrical accidents
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Alternative Power Connection Options

If you’re looking for a safer and more reliable way to connect your generator to a power source, there are alternative options to consider. Instead of using a male-to-male extension cord, which can pose safety risks, you can explore options such as a proper generator power cord or a transfer switch.

A generator power cord is specifically designed for connecting generators to power sources. These cords are built to handle high power loads and are equipped with the appropriate plugs and connectors for a secure and reliable connection. Investing in a generator power cord ensures that you have the right equipment for the job and minimizes the risks associated with using a male-to-male extension cord.

Another option to consider is a transfer switch. A transfer switch is a device that allows you to safely switch between your utility power and generator power. With a transfer switch installed, you can easily and safely connect your generator to your home’s electrical system without the need for extension cords. This provides a more convenient and dependable power connection, eliminating the risks associated with using a male-to-male extension cord.

If you’re unsure about which option is best for your specific needs, it’s always a good idea to consult with a certified electrician. They can assess your requirements, recommend the most suitable solution, and ensure that your power connection is safe and compliant with all relevant regulations.


What is a male-to-male extension cord?

A male-to-male extension cord is a type of electrical cord that has prongs on both ends, allowing it to be plugged into a wall power outlet and a power generator simultaneously. It is commonly used in emergency situations or during blackouts when a proper means of connection, such as a transfer switch, is not available.

What are the safety risks of using a male-to-male extension cord?

Using a male-to-male extension cord can pose serious safety risks. If one end of the cord is plugged into a live socket, the other end will have exposed prongs that are not safe to touch. Additionally, using a male-to-male extension cord to connect a generator to a home electric grid without proper precautions can lead to backfeeding and potential damage to appliances, electrical systems, and even injury to individuals.

How should a generator suicide cord be used properly?

When using a male-to-male extension cord to connect a generator to a home electric grid, it is crucial to follow proper procedures. This includes turning off the master switch, setting electric breakers to the off position, and unplugging devices that could overload the generator. The cord should be connected to a suitable wall power outlet before being plugged into the power generator. It is important to keep the total load below the maximum allowed for the wall outlet to prevent any issues.

Can multiple generator suicide cords be connected to a home electric grid?

Connecting multiple male-to-male extension cords to a home electric grid is not recommended unless done with extreme caution. Each segment of the home power grid should have only one generator suicide cord connected to it to avoid imbalances and instabilities in power levels. It is important to consider the total power requirements of the home and ensure that the generator can handle the load before attempting to connect multiple cords.

How do you disconnect a generator suicide cord?

To disconnect a male-to-male extension cord, first, remove it from the power generator and then unplug it from the wall socket. Afterward, gradually turn on the master switch and electric breakers to restore power to the entire home. It is recommended to hire a professional electrician to assess the home’s electric wiring and install a transfer switch for safer and more reliable power connectivity.

What are the risks associated with male-to-male extension cords?

Male-to-male extension cords pose significant risks when used improperly. The use of these cords to connect a generator to a home electric grid is even illegal in some areas. They can lead to backfeeding, which can cause damage to appliances, pose a safety hazard, and potentially result in harm to individuals. It is important to prioritize safety and use alternative methods, such as a transfer switch, to connect a generator to a home.

What are the alternative power connection options to male-to-male extension cords?

Instead of using a male-to-male extension cord, it is recommended to explore alternative power connection options. This includes using a proper generator power cord or investing in a transfer switch. These options provide safer and more reliable power connectivity, minimizing risks associated with using a male-to-male extension cord. It is advisable to consult with a certified electrician to determine the best solution for your specific needs.

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